This message is about the old ugly devil, the accuser of the people of God. He is doing wicked things against humankind, against the people of God Almighty. I’m glad to announce to you, that no matter what the devil might have done in your life, trials or Problems, not one of them is true.Continue reading “THE ENEMY IS A LIAR”


God is an almighty God . He is a good God Who is able to do wonders in the life of anyone that believes and trusts HIM . You know, in times of challenges, needs, unpleasant circumstances or troubles, it is human nature to be curious and to be thinking, “Is God going to doContinue reading “HE WILL DO IT AGAIN”


You may be passing through a lot now,it may seems the ability of people around you may not be enough to help. Friend God is with you, in time of sickness, trouble and trials, God Say’s I will not leave you, even when you pass trough water or fire, God is with you, even inContinue reading “YOU’RE NOT ALONE”


In Exodus 14:13,God told the Israelites to “Be still” Red Sea and Pharaoh and his soldiers seems like great challenge to them, the Word of God said, “Be still.” There may be Problems or trials that make you think how to conquer your situations. Allow your mind to calm down,so that God can intervene. Don’tContinue reading “BE STILL”


God never created anyone with extraordinary strength that cannot wear out. He is the only one that is called the Almighty One. No matter what your ability is or how talented you are, a certain time comes that you need God to help you. Daniel chapter 10 verse 8 Daniel is one of the majorContinue reading “HE WILL STRENGTHEN YOU”


Tarrying, waiting may not seem good. But we are serving God of time, His scheduled may not be our schedule sometimes, as He see’s what we don’t see which is for better benefit. He delays the healing of Lazarus to result to incredible resurrection testimony. May be you’re passing some uncomfortable situations, and you’re beenContinue reading “WHEN GOD DELAYS”


Peace is so important in the life of everyone as it brings good health,blessings and solution to problems. As long as one is able to hold his peace and as long as he does not allow the devil to take it away from him, he will experience flow of the joy of the Lord. NowContinue reading “HOLD YOUR PEACE”


Many of us usually ask this question. With the challenges and the problems in life? there’s one thing I want you to understand: when you are passing through situations,how great the things God will do in your life can be how great the challenges you are are going to pass through. I don’t know whatContinue reading “WHY IS THIS HAPPENING?”


Friend, I am glad to let you know, no matter what is the situation, at this kind of time, believe that God (still) is protecting you your finances and your home. No matter what challenges you may be passing through now, you are covered by the wings of God. Now, it is your duty toContinue reading “HIS WINGS GOT YOU COVERED”

Dry Bones Shall Live Again

About dry bones we are to deal with hopeless conditions. When hope is totally lost, great is God Who created each and everyone of us, He Who has the ability to make a dry bone live again. Ezekiel 37:10, This passage reveal about dry bones. The power of God came upon them and they gotContinue reading “Dry Bones Shall Live Again”